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Reiki I, II and Master Courses

Reiki courses are life changing courses, you will discover so much about yourself and the world around us. 

Reiki courses consist of different levels each building on the previous one. 

Energy Healing

Reiki Level I:


This course is full of self discovery and is thoroughly enjoyable. It is the beginner level and the start of  your Reiki journey. You will be introduced to the basics of Reiki, it's history, principles, and techniques for self healing and treating others. You will experience 4 Reiki attunements. Learn about chakras and experience a beautiful guided meditation.

Cost: £210

Location: Penarth - small classes 

Next Course Date: 

July 6th-7th, 2024

September 7th - 8th, 2024

Reiki Level II:

In this intermediate level, you will deepen your understanding and master the use of Reiki symbols and explore distance healing.  

You will also understand how to give a Reiki treatment as a Reiki Practitioner and how to set up your Reiki business. 

Cost: £225

Location: Penarth - small classes 

Next Course Dates: 

October 5th - 6th, 2024

Reiki Master/Teacher

Many people call this the Master level however I prefer to call it the Teacher level as no one person is more of a master of universal energy than another. 

In this level you will focus on advanced healing techniques, spritual growth and understanding the Reiki Teacher symbols. 

This is the level if you wish to teach Reiki and attune others to Reiki Energy. 

As well as a 1-2-1 day you will attend a Reiki I and II course to observe and shadow the Reiki tutor. 

Cost: £350

Location: Penarth 1-2-1 class

Next Course Date: If you are interested in setting a date please contact

© 2023 Jenisis Healing.

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